




If you caught our recent Cosmetics vs. Cosmeceuticals post, you’ll know why cosmeceuticals are the key to many a skincare regime.

Known for high concentrations of active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and peptides, cosmeceuticals get to work deep down in the skin. So deep that over-the-counter cosmetics would need a map!

Clinical evidence has proven cosmeceuticals to be a highly effective and long-lasting treatment for common skin conditions including acne, rosacea, pigmentation and scarring.

And it’s this medical-grade efficacy that means cosmeceuticals are controlled in the UK. You shouldn’t find them for sale online, in shops or via beauticians.

No, you need a proper specialist. A specialist who can fully assess your skin, tailor the options, and is able to prescribe the finest skincare for use in-house and at home.

You need FrownDocs.

  • When it comes to skincare, we encourage all our clients to ‘go with the science’. And more often than not, that means ZO® SKIN HEALTH.

    Designed and developed by the international dermatologist, Dr. Obagi, his vision is for aesthetic practitioners to have access to effective, evidence based treatments or common skin conditions.

    There are two categories of skincare products:

    1. ZO® Skin Health products maintain the results of therapeutic treatments and provide effective daily skincare and protection from the environment.

    2. ZO® Medical products have been optimised to treat a range of skin disorders and chronic conditions, and can only be issued by trained medical, nursing or dental prescribers.

  • TEOXANE Laboratories specialises in the design and manufacturing of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers.

    As one of the recognised market leaders in aesthetic medicine, they have now extended the benefits of our unique, RHA resilient hyaluronic acid®, produced through a patented process, into a complete anti-ageing skincare regimen.

    Perfectly complementing dermal filler treatments or used on its own to target anti-ageing, our clients love these products and report noticeable results in achieving improved skin texture and tightening of fine lines.


Dermalux LED


Lumecca IPL