PRP Hair Restoration for Men




If you’ve noticed your hair beginning to thin or recede, you’ll know that creeping sense of powerlessness as nature take its course. The guy looking back in the mirror, it’s you, just not the one you picture. Yeah, the onset of hair loss can pretty disheartening.

It’s a complex thing to pin down. More often due to genetics and the ageing process, but also can be triggered by a stressful experience or life event.

And the psychological impacts can be significant - hair loss and self-esteem can go hand-in-hand. Loss of identity, loss of confidence, feelings of diminished attractiveness, masculinity too. It can affect your work and lead to social withdrawal, which is why it's important to reach out for support.

But you’re not on own. We’re here to help, introducing PRP Hair Restoration for Men, a cutting-edge treatment that helps turn the tide on hair loss.

PRP, which stands for platelet-rich plasma, is a product 100% derived from your own blood. And when it’s carefully injected into the hair follicles has shown high efficacy in harnessing the body’s healing and regenerative powers to jump-start hair growth for thicker looking locks.

It’s safe, it’s natural… and it works.

So don't let hair loss hold you back any longer.

  • PRP Hair Restoration for Men is most effective during the early stages of hair loss, when treating Male Pattern Baldness (usually at the temples, crown, or top of the head), or when treating Stable Hair Loss Conditions where hair loss has stabilised.

    Hair Transplants: PRP Hair Restoration is also recommended for post-surgery patients as the newly transplanted hair follicles adjust to their new location and begin growing hair. PRP Hair Restoration can help accelerate the healing process and increase the survival rate of the transplanted hair follicles.

    During your Free Consultation, our expert practitioners will assess suitability based on your specific hair loss condition, medical history and goals, before making personalised recommendations for the most effective treatment approach.

  • PRP is obtained by drawing a small amount of blood from the arm (similar to a routine blood test). Then it’s processed in a centrifuge - a machine that spins at very high speed - to separate the plasma, platelets, and other blood components.

    The separated plasma is collected and carefully injected into the hair follicles using a fine needle allowing the platelets to be delivered efficiently to where they’re most needed.

  • It’s a common misconception that PRP is a standardised treatment, but the kit and handling of blood products a can vary considerably. At FrownDocs, we use only the safest and most effective technology on the market - in this case Croma - operated by highly trained clinicians in a sterile treatment environment to ensure your safety at every stage.

    As PRP is derived from your own blood, your body won’t reject or react negatively to it. Side effects are very limited, though you may experience a little inflammation and bruising/redness at the injection site, usually subsiding within a couple of days.

  • Although PRP as a treatment for hair loss is fairly new, multiple studies have shown encouraging results. Indeed, the majority of patients see visible results after the first or second treatment.

    Clinical trials suggest PRP can lead to improvements in hair density, hair thickness and hair growth. As with many aesthetic treatments, it’s important to be aware that individual results may differ based on various factors, including the underlying cause of hair loss, the extent of hair loss, the quality of existing hair follicles, and individual response to treatment.



    Head, Face



    30-60 minutes






    12-24 months



    6 sessions, then once every 6 months





Menopause Clinic


PRP Hair Restoration for Women