Michelle, Aesthetician

We’re your friends, your confidantes and trusted advisor, all rolled into one.

So it’s only right you know a little more about us. Next up is Michelle, who alongside Heather, is one of our wonderful Aestheticians.

What are your interests & hobbies?

I love the outdoors and anything to do with water, which I mainly do with my two sons. I enjoy spending time with family & friends, and learning and trying new things.

Why did you choose a career in aesthetics?

I enjoy making people feel as good as they can about themselves and the treatments that I do are results-driven - even the skincare we use. Having problematic skin myself, and knowing how difficult it can be to overcome, anything that helps give someone a little more self-confidence is all worth it.

What’s your favourite thing about working in FrownDocs?

We’re like a family. We all help each other and do the best we can for our clients to make them feel as comfortable and valued as we can. Love it!!

What’s your favourite treatment?

Now that's a really difficult one... I love all the facials that I do and machines I use, but maybe Morpheus8 would be at the top as we can achieve some really good results with the client’s own skin doing all of the work. When you can see such a difference it's a great feeling.

What’s your pet peeve in aesthetics?

I don't get to work with Heather as we do opposite days. That and the frozen face look!

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Dr. Caroline



Dr. Risha, Clinic Doctor


Megan, Clinic Manager